Monday, June 23, 2008
Back roads
First time down this trail this year. I like this one, but they close it during the spring and when ever it is too wet. This trail is about 5 miles long.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Cabin ride
A date
Saw this adult White tail doe standing along the road eating. I could not believe it stood long enough for me to take a picture. It was still there when we rolled on.
Trying to keep up to Janice. She is getting a head start, plus faster as the year goes on.
These two fawns were just before the road to our cabin. We did not see ma ma, but you can bet she was not far off.
The finishing stretch...almost done...FUN Riding...with good company.
Wind, WIND and more W I N D
Waited for the rain and thunder storms to pass, then rode the road bike to our cabin. There was a strong headwind, but I knew that before I left.
Half the way there, I had to ride state highway 77 for a few miles. Wasn't too bad as most of it has a good shoulder, about 18 to 24 inches, although the last two miles that I rode tonight did not.
Saw this little snapping turtle looking to increase the population...looking to deposit some eggs.
This is Pear Lake on highway 77. There is a nice climb riding along side this lake.
All in all it was a nice ride. Put on 38 miles and a lot of it against the wind.
Friday, June 20, 2008
June 19
June 18 2008, Giving it a go