Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Getting Out!

 The road and trail conditions have changed dramatically in the last week around this neck of the woods.  We had a stretch of unseasonably very warm weather which resulted in rain/freezing rain which turned a lot of the surfaces to glare ice.  That much rain in these parts in January is unheard of. But now the long range is looking for some very cold temps coming up.  I see reports of days not getting above 0°F and night time temps near -30°F.  One day is suppose to be -27°F with 23 mph winds...now we are talking winter...just without snow.  

 I went from riding the Fat-tire on trails like these

 to riding the fixed gear on the ice covered roads like this one.  Covered with black ice.  Paying close attention to every move.  Feeling great to be out at near 20°F.  Knocking out 2 hour rides.  The wind blowing some snow around.  The studded tires doing their job.  Priceless!!

If it looks like the river runs downhill, it does.  Because of the downhill it surprised me that the Moose River was frozen over.  

 The road was clear of ice for the most part on the crossing of the Bird Sanctuary.  Although I fought some wind getting to this point, the ride across this open area with the wind square at my back was delightful.

 I do this ride to meet my wife when she finishes work, so this time of year means the sun sets on my ride there.

This is a little trout stream that is frozen over for the most part. 

Lets get outdoors and have some fun!!

ps...thanks for reading and the comments. 


  1. Looks like you're going to be stuck with that glare ice for the rest of winter. I hope you get plenty of snow to keep it buried.

    Studded tires really mean the difference between having a great ride and not getting out at all, don't they?

    Stay warm!

    1. Right on...The studs are the ticket for winter riding.

  2. You da man! I admire your willingness to ride in those temps. I'm waiting for spring. I grew up in ND, and lived in Minot for a few years when we were first married. We had a 2 week stretch when the HIGH was 20 below. I prefer it about 100 degrees warmer than that.

    1. I am with you on the 100 degree thing, but for now I will make do with what we have. Might be a day sometime when we travel south for the winter.

  3. Similar boat here... waiting for some more real cold, which looks like its coming. Nothing like riding on ice you couldn't walk on, right? Right!

  4. Exactly...never thought of that way. Riding on ice you can't walk on...classic!
