This was our ride for the MS150 this year, and last year for that matter. The Burley...not the Ford.
Day two's second rest stop was at Rush City. We had a little later start than the first day, so there were many more people out ahead of us.
Lunch was seved at North Branch the second day. We arrived at 9:10 AM and it was already busy.
The grain mills of North Branch served as a nice parking area this day.
North Branch rest stop.
Some entertainment at the Wyoming rest stop.
Last rest area of the ride in Hugo MN...some are dragging in and still others are looking for more.
The amount of support people on this ride is phenominal. There were officers at most intersections, along with what has to be thousands of volunteers. This is very well run event.
Some may say this was our goal of the weekend, but in reality the ultimate goal is to put an end to Multiple Sceloris. The raising of what they hoping to be 2.6 million dollars which funds MS research has to help. They are making great strides in fighting this disease. When you are riding this event and being greeted by people who are afflicted, it makes a person feel good to know that in a small selfish way, you are making a difference.
Century College was the finish this year. There were people lined up here for nearly two blocks to greet us when we arrived,
All smiles for the Gitchigumi Gear Mashers after finishing of the 2010 MS150. Thanks again to all of our supporters and to those chose to read through these last two we posted up.