It was our 32nd wedding anniversary today. We sat around the house for a while this morning contemplating what we were going to do. I said I would like to do a longer bike ride today...she said "go for it"...I did. I had intentions of doing a century today, but with the late start and dinner plans for this evening, I had to cut it short. I left the house around 11 am and headed for Hayward. I rode the first 35 miles with out stopping...straight to the New Moon shop. I bs'd with them for a while and then headed north around Smith and Nelson lakes...hit highway 27 north to Denver road...East Mail road to county G and back into Gordon. The wind on Highway 27 was a very strong headwind...middle ring...about 12 miles...slow going. It was an 81 mile loop with 4 hours 55 minutes of saddle time.
I ate my sandwich here at Smith Lake.
Congrats...sometimes people look at you strange when you tell them you've been married for longer than 10 years.