The six youngsters of our family took in the Packers game this last weekend. I must say that I am not a fan of football, but if I were, this would be the team I would follow. If for any reason at all, it would be because it is a small town football team, rich in history and hardcore fans. Now, on to the IMO part. There is something about the attitude of most professional athletes that rub me the wrong way. The running around holding the number one finger up thinking that said one is the greatest thing ever conceived is nothing I care to watch...or listen to. I am sure there are many things I do that other people do not care for, so I try to hold a "What ever turns your crank" attitude. The half dozen from the north had a goooood time...and that is what it is all about.
Four of the amigos

A good time was had
These two make a good pair. They have a good time in whatever it is they are up to...maybe MS150 in 2010.
Final score...Packers 48...Seattle 10